This Website is for residents of The Canyon Falls Neighborhood in Granite Falls, Washington.

Dues payments are handled by Conrad Properties. 

Mail payments to :

Canyon Falls Park
c/o Conrad Properties
PO Box 97941
Las Vegas, NV 89193

This website is under construction, please check back soon for more info.

Board Meeting Minutes 4/30/23

-attendees: Jennifer Day, Joseph Bismore, Randi Brown, Vanessa Neill.


Dropping clubhouse to $199k, the board agreed on that price drop.


Joe to check that he has the key to the gate at the park. We need to decide where to move the shed. Need to measure the shed to see where it might fit, try to not block the view of the river, and not put it where the ground might flood. Jennifer has been in touch with someone who is willing to help move the shed and has the right equipment.
Trailer in easement: We sent a signature-required letter, but nobody claimed it and it eventually was returned to sender. Code enforcement said they would come to check it out, but we aren’t sure they have. Jennifer will check back with code enforcement; the next step would be to file a civil suit. The filing fee is $83 to start a civil suit. The board agreed we should move forward with that if code enforcement can’t or won’t help.

Roads: Joe has been speaking to a guy with a bobcat who will shovel around and compact the gravel. $1,600-$2k to do the whole park. Need to get some more gravel in 1st. Also Joe will contact another possible option, and see if he could give us a quote to compare and see if either of them are able to dig out the pothole spots a little bit… Joe will give us an update on that next week.

Randi is struggling with getting the website fixed. Will try again later this upcoming week and will update everyone. The help desk says there is no way to retrieve the lost data and it appears we might just have the wrong theme on the website causing it to not display properly.

Delinquent accounts. There are about 58 owners that have not paid Jan dues that normally do. Next due date July 1st. We will reconvene on that matter in July to see where we are at to decide on more liens needed. We currently have 44 liens and a few payment plans going.

Attempt at getting the roads paved and taken over. Joe Bismore spoke to someone who works for the county. There are 6 departments that this person has to talk to about this. He has spoken to 1 of them so far. Hasn’t heard from the other 5 departments yet. Joe speaks to this contact about once a month and checks with him on that. It is a slow process.

Jennifer will check on who paves roads for the forest service. She will call and ask them who they use and see if we can contact them for a quote.

The Facebook Group is not for communication with the board, to contact the board, email